Beyond Missing Teeth: The Art of Dental Implants

Anatomy of healthy teeth and tooth dental implant in human dentura. 3d illustration

Toot loss is a major dental problem faced by millions globally. This could be due to dental decay, trauma, or gum disease. Missing teeth can make you self-conscious by negatively altering your smile. 

The dental implants in Monterey, CA, offer excellent and permanent tooth replacement solutions that can successfully restore the health of your smile and overall appearance. 

Dental implants mimic tooth roots

Dental implants are common dental prostheses (artificial aids) that can help replace missing teeth. These are screw-like posts that mimic tooth roots when fixed within your jawbones. They provide excellent anchorage and support to porcelain crowns that are customized according to your remaining natural teeth.

When a missing tooth is not replaced, it can lead to:

  • Bone resorption
  • Premature aging due to sunken facial look
  • Unappealing smile 

Thus, the missing tooth needs to be replaced, and dental implants are an excellent option to do so. 

Dental implants offer excellent durability

Dental implants are popular among dental professionals since they offer the following benefits:

  • Are more natural and comfortable 
  • Have a high success rate of 95%
  • Improve chewing function
  • Improve your speech
  • Lowers your risk of dental cavities 
  • Reduces the sensitivity in the nearby teeth
  • Provides stimulation of the jaw 
  • Offer permanent solutions and do not require removal
  • Highly durable and long-lasting for almost 10 to 15 years with proper oral care 

Dental implant placement requires one to two dental visits

Dental implant placement usually requires one to two dental visits, depending on your alveolar bone health. Your dentist will evaluate your oral cavity and take necessary dental X-rays to assess the height and thickness of the bone. This helps determine if the bone is strong enough to support an implant. 

If sufficient bone thickness is not available, your dentist can recommend bone grafts to build up the required amount of bone density and thickness through artificial bone grafts placed near the alveolar bone to stimulate growth. 

If sufficient bone thickness is available, the procedure is as follows:

  • Your dentist will cut the gum tissue to expose the underlying bone
  • Tiny holes will be drilled in your jawbone with rotary instruments
  • Small titanium screw-like posts will be inserted into the holes
  • A period of 2 to 4 months will be given for the implant to fuse with the jawbone through a process called osseointegration
  • Appropriate dental crowns will be fabricated that mimic your natural teeth with a high luminosity and permanently placed on the implant post

Dental implants can comprehensively restore the beauty of your smile, in addition to masticatory functions. This, in turn, improves your overall quality of life. 

Erin Crawley