Hair Loss After Bariatric Surgery: What You Need to Know

Hair Loss After Bariatric Surgery

Bariatric surgery is a powerful tool that can help people achieve dramatic weight loss and improved health. But, like any major surgery, it’s not without risks—one of which is hair loss. While it’s more commonly associated with post-operative stress and the body’s struggle to adjust to rapid weight loss, other factors are also at play. In this article, we’ll explore why some people experience hair loss after bariatric surgery and what you can do to help prevent or reduce it.

Overview of Bariatric Surgery and Its Potential Side Effects

Bariatric surgery is typically used to treat obesity and includes a variety of procedures, such as gastric bypass and sleeve gastrectomy. It can lead to drastic weight loss, and many bariatric centers offer post-surgery support services like nutrition counseling and behavior therapy to help patients maintain their new lifestyles. But bariatric surgery also has potential side effects, including hair loss. This can be a source of distress for many people, so it’s important to understand why and what you can do about it.

How can Bariatric Surgery Lead to Hair Loss?

The most common cause of hair loss after bariatric surgery is post-operative stress. As the body adjusts to rapid weight loss, it may struggle to get enough essential nutrients, vitamins, and minerals for healthy hair growth. Additionally, hair loss can be a side effect of the medications used to treat post-operative nausea and vomiting.

In addition to post-operative stress, other factors may contribute to bariatric surgery-related hair loss. These include hormonal imbalances, nutritional deficiencies, and the use of certain medications. Some bariatric surgeries also involve reducing or reconstructing parts of the digestive system, which can limit nutrient absorption, resulting in thinning hair or even baldness.

Tips for Preventing or Reducing Hair Loss After Bariatric Surgery

There are several ways to help reduce the risk of bariatric surgery-related hair loss. First, it’s essential to follow the bariatric center’s post-surgery instructions carefully and be sure to get enough rest and exercise. In addition, eating a balanced diet rich in protein, vitamins, and minerals can help provide your body with the nutrients it needs for healthy hair growth. You may also check what happens when you don’t take bariatric vitamins after surgery so you can avoid potential nutrient deficiencies. Finally, talk to your bariatric center about any medications you’re taking and how they may affect your hair health.


Hair loss is a common side effect of bariatric surgery, but there are steps you can take to help prevent or reduce it. If you have any questions or concerns about the surgery and its potential side effects, consult your bariatric center in Tijuana for more information. They can work with you to ensure that you have the best outcome possible. Thanks for reading.

Erin Crawley